13 August 2013

Home and Away

Eating during the week is easy.  Weekends are hard.  Eating while traveling is even harder.  During the week it's easy to plan and pre-pack my breakfast and lunch for work.  I have a good rotation of options that allow me to change the menu a bit every day so I don't get tired of eating the same thing over and over again.  Weekends are a little more difficult.  It's not so much what I eat, but when.  I've become one of those people who have to remember to eat.  Traveling?  You can't plan for where or when.  While I was in Charlotte this weekend I made some good choices and made sure to eat when I was supposed to.  I was only there for the weekend which made it a little more difficult.  If I was there for a week, I would have done a little shopping and bought a few of my staples, but for the 2 days I was there, it would have been a waste of money as I wouldn't have been able to bring the food back with me and I wouldn't have finished what I bought.  All in all, eating wise, the weekend was a success.  It was also fun to spend the weekend visiting family - there never seems to be enough hours.

Current Stats
Previous Weight: 243.2
Current Weight: 239.8

Total pounds lost since 26 June 2013 (270):  30.2


  1. Cool! You're making great progress, Nichole. One meal, one day at a time - they add up to the success you're seeing! Hang with it.
