17 May 2014

Going Out

I can't believe it, even with my family here for vacation, I've lost another 3 pounds since my last update.  It's not that my portions were crazy, I still can only eat so much at any given sitting, but there were nachos and garlic fries at the baseball game, and dinner at a steakhouse, and the lunch at the barbecue place...you begin to see my point.  But I am pleased that I am still losing.  I'm averaging about 1 pound a week and at the moment I'm wearing a 16 and occasionally a 14.  I also purchased my first dress in a size L.  Since my surgery, I've lost about 75 pounds.  And since I was at my heaviest before the surgery, I've lost almost 90 pounds.  I can hardly wrap my head around it.  I don't have a number in mind, despite my tracking the pounds I'm losing.  My goal is to be a size 12.  I could conceivably go lower and be a 10 or even an 8.  I think at an 8 I would constantly worry about maintaining it and who wants to think about that all the time.  

So a while back I dropped a hint that I was communicating with someone.  He was someone I met on match.com.  I said I didn't want to talk about it too much because I didn't want to jinx it.  Well, that fizzled out, but I did meet someone else at an event a few weeks ago.  We've been out now maybe 5 or 6 times.  It seems to be going well.  We have fun, he's smart and witty.  And tall.  Just taller than me when I have my heels on, which is perfect.  I may have mentioned this before, but I have very few hard and fast things that I look for in a guy.  Eye color, hair color, build, I don't really have feelings about those either way.  He has to be taller than me though.  I've read plenty of articles about why you should give guys shorter than you a chance, but I just can't.  It's one of my hang-ups.  The other?  Good teeth.  And by good teeth, I mean straight and even.  Again, kind of random, but that's my deal.  Fortunately for me, this guy meets both of those criteria - on top of being funny and charming and smart.  It's been way too long since I dated someone, so I'm going to just enjoy this and see where it goes.

Current Stats
Previous Weight: 198.1
Current Weight: 194.9

Lost: 3.2
Total pounds lost since 26 June 2013 (270):  75.1

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